
Who and Where I Come From

I am currently writing from the stolen ancestral lands of the Piscataway Conoy. I have not done nearly enough to support Indigenous land repatriation efforts. I am currently working on structuring my life and my business in ways that allow for sustainable payment of land tax to the Piscataway Conoy

Who I Work With

In other blog posts, I’ve shared Who and Where I Come From and How I Got To This Work. But now, I’d like to shift the focus onto YOU! There are a number of reasons why you may have stumbled upon this blog post. Perhaps, you were actually searching for

How I Got To This Work

Some of the words below are hyperlinked to songs on YouTube, as song lyrics often pop into my head while writing. To save you from one too many open tabs, the linked songs are also featured in the YouTube playlist at the bottom of this page. Necessity. That is the